Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year.

Goodbye 2011... Hello 2012! :)

2011-This is bitter sweet moment  for me. You've been filled with amazing experiences, the opportunity to meet people I never forget, and to grow closer, not only to my friends and family, but to God. That being said, it has also one of the toughest years I've had to face. I was sick for along time, many of my close friends moved, and relationships were tested. I also began to question who I am, and who I am in Christ.

2012- This year, I'm not going to change anything. Why? Because I can't change anything by myself; but God working through me. He is the Lord of my life, so where He leads, I'll follow. I've been praying about what my new years resolution should be, and I don't want to change who I am. I want to improve who I am in Christ. I'm going to keep my focus on God and see what He has in store for me in this new year. I want to be able to praise Him in the good times and the bad. I want to learn how not to lean on my own understanding and leave everything to God. How not to worry about the future, because the moment I worry is the moment I'm not trusting God and His plan for my life. It says in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you may have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world." He has overcome the world so we don't have to worry about our past, present, or future. So we can have peace in knowing He is there for us through our good times and bad.

 I can't wait to see what God will bring this year and I pray that He will prepare my heart for anything that will be coming my way.


1 comment:

  1. This is so cool!!

    I was planning on writing a piece on new years resolutions...

    You sorta stole the words out of my mouth. :)
